Answers to Questions You May Have
The PCNA Cares Share Fund is a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation and tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It was formed to support all employees of PCNA located in any U.S.-based PCNA facilities and will make grants to individual employees to provide financial assistance due to significant qualifying events upon demonstration of financial difficulty. The PCNA Cares Share Fund grant program is funded by associate and corporate contributions, as well as gifts from the public.
All active PCNA employees currently employed at one of our six U.S.- based facilities (located in NC, KY, PA, FL and CA), our U.S. sales team and/or a PCNA employee’s immediate family member, such as an employee’s spouse, domestic partner or dependent child (including stepchildren) under age 18.
Due to provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code concerning tax-exempt public charities, at this time, the PCNA Cares Share Fund grant program will only support U.S.-based initiatives. Our Canadian PCNA facility are supported by the Helping Hands fund.
Illness or injury
To assist eligible employees or immediate family member (spouse/domestic partner or dependents only) who have encountered financial hardships for reasons beyond their control (illness, injury) with household expenses or travel expenses to medical appointments.
Available to assist those who have incurred the loss of an eligible employee or immediate family member (spouse/domestic partner or dependents only) if the employee is financially responsible for funeral arrangements. An employee’s spouse/domestic partner may apply for assistance in the event of an employee’s death.
Natural Disasters
Eligible employee’s primary residence is severely damaged, destroyed or rendered unlivable by a localized natural disaster (hurricane, fire, flood, tornado, mudslide, ice/wind/snowstorm, etc.).
Military Deployment
Eligible employee, immediate family member or spouse/domestic partner who has encountered financial hardship after deployment.
Qualifying events are not necessarily limited to those listed above, and PCNA Cares Share Fund is willing to evaluate applications based on other unexpected events that result in severe financial hardship for an eligible employee.
Qualifying Expenses
Past due rent or mortgage
Past due basic utilities (electricity, gas, water)
Travel expenses to attend doctor or care appointments
Psychological counseling
Uninsured needed to repairs to primary
Essential funeral expenses
These expenses do not qualify for assistance:
Lost compensation due to reduced hours or missed time from work
Legal fees and garnishments
Insurance premiums or items covered by insurance policies
Routine automobile/home repair or those due to deferred maintenance
Medical expenses
Each employee can receive up to $1,000 of assistance per calendar year. There is no limit to the number of claims used to reach the $1,000 limit.
Federal law and the Internal Revenue Code prohibit the PCNA Cares Share Fund from supporting assistance designated to replace or supplement current PCNA provided benefits. Therefore, the PCNA Cares Share Fund will not accept applications to assist with medical expenses.
You can download an application, or stop by your local HR department to pick one up.
Submit the application and required supporting documentation to sharefund@pcna.com, or you drop it off at the PCNA Cares Share Fund drop box in your local HR office.
Depending on the specific nature of the application and your qualifying event, you may need to provide supporting documents about the event and to verify the expenses for which you’re requesting assistance. Example: If you are requesting assistance with rent for housing for one month due to an unexpected hardship, you would have to submit a copy of your rental agreement verifying the monthly rent expense.
Yes. Each employee is limited to $1,000 of assistance per calendar year.
There is a PCNA Cares Share Fund administrative group made up of PCNA employees to manage the receipt, tracking and preparation of the submitted applications. All submitted information will be kept strictly confidential. Once the applications are confirmed as complete and all supporting documents are provided, the anonymous applications will be passed to the Board Of Directors for review and consideration for approval.
The PCNA Cares Share Fund Board Of Directors. To learn who they are, go to the Board Members page on this site.
Applications will be reviewed every other Tuesday of each month. Decisions about applications reviewed at those meetings should be communicated back to the requestor within 10 business days.
You will receive communication from the PCNA Cares Share Fund’s administrative team via your preferred communication (typically email or phone).
Depending on the details of your request, receipt of the approved assistance amount will be paid directly to a third party (Example: If the request is approved for rent assistance for housing, we would pay directly to the rental person/company.) and/or via check to the requestor. We anticipate having all grants disbursed within 10 business days of approval by the Board Of Directors as long as all information needed to execute payment is received.
Yes. You will be provided a detailed explanation.
Yes. There is an appeals process. For details, consult the PCNA Cares Share Fund application.
Any claims submitted before an employee leaves the organization will continue to move through the process and remain eligible for approval. No additional claims can be submitted after an employee leaves the organization.
Fraud can be defined as falsification of alteration of supporting documents, use of funds for anything outside the stated purpose for which approval was granted, intentionally misrepresenting the qualifying event, withholding relevant information that would cause a “not approved” decision and/or attempting to intentionally deceive the PCNA Cares Share Fund teams. Fraud will be taken very seriously and could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination from PCNA.
You will be able to donate through a one-time or recurring biweekly payroll deduction; and/or with one-time donations via personal check.
For payroll deduction form, please see your local HR department. Return completed form to HR or email it to sharefund@pcna.com. Deductions are after tax.
For personal check, make check out to PCNA Cares Share Fund. Checks can be mailed to:
ATTN: Account Department/Share Fund
400 Hunt Valley Road New Kensington, PA 15068
For donations via PayPal, add “Apply donation to PCNA Cares Share Fund” in the comments.
The PCNA Cares Share Fund is a nonprofit corporation recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are eligible for an income tax deduction, but whether such donations are deductible depends on a donor’s income tax situation. All donors should consult their tax advisors to determine whether donations to the PCNA Cares Share Fund are tax-deductible.
The tax identification number is 85-1007318. Tax returns for the PCNA Cares Share Fund can be found at www.guidestar.org.
PCNA Cares Share Fund donations cannot be applied to a specific individual(s). The established fund will be disbursed according to the confirmed rules and procedures as outlined in the application document, which is available on this website and/or via hard copy from your local HR office.
Payroll deductions will be available for a one-time donation or can be a recurring amount deducted biweekly throughout a given calendar year.
There occasionally will be a need for help with things such as fundraising events and ongoing communication. If you are interested in being on the volunteer list when opportunities arise, please communicate your interest to sharefund@pcna.com.
In addition to the website, you can visit your local HR office to get an information packet.
Reach out to your facility’s HR team, and/or contact your manager or supervisor. If they are unable to assist, they will route to the Board of Directors for assistance. You can also submit questions via email at sharefund@pcna.com.